أساليب مواجهة التنمر المدرسي لدى طلبة المرحلة الإعدادية من وجهة نظر معلميهم

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مبروكة أحمد ضوء التومي


The study dealt with the methods of confronting school bullying among middle school students from the point of view of their teachers in the following areas: (physical, verbal, social, and property abuse), and then looking for differences in the methods of confronting school bullying due to the variables (gender, years of experience). The study sample consisted of (152) male and female teachers, and it followed the descriptive analytical approach, and used the questionnaire in collecting data from the study sample. The study resulted in the following results; The methods of confronting school bullying among middle school students from the point of view of their teachers came to high degrees in the following areas (physical, verbal, social, property abuse.)

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How to Cite
التومي م. أ. ض. . (2023). أساليب مواجهة التنمر المدرسي لدى طلبة المرحلة الإعدادية من وجهة نظر معلميهم. Alasala Journal, 1(6). Retrieved from https://alasala.alandalus-libya.org.ly/ojs/index.php/aj/article/view/165