Myrtus communis L.phytochemistry, ethnobotany and pharmacology: A review

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Iman D. Amhamed
Fouzeya A. Aboualgasem
Hanan M. Abozweta
Amna E. Mohamed
Amna S. Elghdafi


This review will highlight the chemical constituents and detail description of morphology and the pharmacological and therapeutic effects of Myrtus communis. This plant commonly known as myrtle, is an evergreen and aromatic herb of the family Myrtaceae, it is widely distributed throughout the world. M. communis was reported to contain carbohydrates (88.69%), crude protein (5.97%), crude oil (3.59%), moisture content (63.67%) and total ash (1.75%) and mineral elements and many other bioactive contents. Many pharmacological activities viz., antibacterial, antifungal, anticancer, antiviral, antioxidant, antidiabetic, hepatoprotective and neuroprotective etc. have been reported in different plant extracts.

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Comment citer
Amhamed, I. D. ., Aboualgasem, F. A. ., Abozweta, H. M. ., Mohamed, A. E., & Elghdafi, A. S. . (2022). Myrtus communis L.phytochemistry, ethnobotany and pharmacology: A review. مجلة الاصالة, (العدد الثالث). Consulté à l’adresse