أثــر ممارسة الإدارة الاستراتيجية على الأداء المؤســسي بالمنظمات غير الحكومية - دراســة حالة المؤسسة الليبية للاستثمار– ليبيا 2024م

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مصباح احمودة مصباح الغناي


The study dealt with the impact of the practice of strategic management on the institutional performance of non-governmental organizations by applying to the Libyan Investment Authority. The problem of the study was that, in light of an environment characterized by instability and stability and the rapid pace of changes at all levels, many NGOs suffer from the inability to manage themselves in a purposeful and conscious administrative manner that enables them to overcome their reality burdened with many problems and challenges, and perhaps the matter is due to the existence of shortcomings In the failure to apply strategic management ideally. The study aimed to identify the impact of strategy preparation on the institutional performance of non-governmental organizations, and to show the impact of strategy formulation on institutional performance, then to show the impact of strategy implementation on institutional performance, and to reveal the impact of strategic control on the institutional performance of non-governmental organizations. The study followed the descriptive, analytical, historical, and statistical method. Among the most important results of the study, there is a shortcoming in the administrations’ exercise of their oversight roles over the implementation of the strategic plan. Organizations lack control systems that are linked to a clear and written evaluation. Many departments do not use clear indicators to monitor the implementation and evaluation of their strategic plan. Organizations do not rely on an external evaluation to assess their performance in implementing The plan, and therefore does not benefit from the results of the evaluation in the development of its work. The study recommended a number of recommendations, the necessity of avoiding any shortcomings in the administrations’ exercise of their oversight roles to implement the strategic plan, paying attention to building control systems linked to a clear and written evaluation of all employees to ensure raising the efficiency of institutional performance, working on the administrations’ use of clear indicators to monitor the implementation and evaluation of their strategic plan to achieve the desired positive impact. On institutional performance, it is necessary to focus on conducting an external evaluation by organizations to evaluate their performance in implementing the plan, and to benefit from the results of the evaluation in developing their work.

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How to Cite
الغناي م. ا. م. . (2024). أثــر ممارسة الإدارة الاستراتيجية على الأداء المؤســسي بالمنظمات غير الحكومية - دراســة حالة المؤسسة الليبية للاستثمار– ليبيا 2024م. Alasala Journal, 4(10). Retrieved from https://alasala.alandalus-libya.org.ly/ojs/index.php/aj/article/view/641