واقع المستشفيات في مدينة الزاوية ما بين التطور والتخطيط

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ليلى أبوالقاسم سالم زايد


The significance of this study is the basic need of reality studying of Azzawia city's hospitals, both the private and public. These hospitals need the correct and good scientific planning. This study aimed to link the hospitals development in Azzawia city with the population and urban development. The most important of the results of this study were focused on the lack of correct application of schematic standards in the city. However, the researcher had found a defect which is that the city needs to necessary places which should be suitable for many families that are suit with the current population of the city. Moreover, the natural increase of the population in the future. In addition, to the lack of attention to provide car parking, green places and the lack of specialist doctors. The researcher recommends the application of health planning standards in all hospitals of the city, increase the number of medical staff and should work hard to provide the privet and public hospitals with the latest advanced medical devices.

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How to Cite
زايد ل. أ. س. . (2023). واقع المستشفيات في مدينة الزاوية ما بين التطور والتخطيط. Alasala Journal, 1(6). Retrieved from https://alasala.alandalus-libya.org.ly/ojs/index.php/aj/article/view/174