برنامج تمرينات بليومترية لتنمية القوة المميزة بالسرعة وتأثيرها على تطوير مستوى لكمة الجياكوزوكي لدى لاعبي الكاراتيه بأكاديمية أستارز الرياضي

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أحمد عبد الله يونس الدرسي
جمال فرج مفتاح الرعيض


A program of plyometric exercises to develop strength characterized by speed and its impact on developing the level of jiakuzuki punch among karate players at Astars Sports Academy The study aims to identify the effect of the proposed plyometric exercises on the rates of strength growth characteristic of speed and the extent to which they develop the level of jiakuzuki skill among karate players. Total basic research sample (10) players . The results revealed that the proposed training program had a clear and positive impact on the development of all study variables (speed-distinguished force of the muscles of the arms, speed-characterized strength of the muscles of the legs, jacozuki punch), and the development of the speed-characterized strength of the arm muscles, the speed-characterized strength of the muscles of the legs) had an effective effect on the development of Improving the speed of the jiakuzuki punch .

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How to Cite
الدرسي أ. ع. ا. ي. ., & الرعيض ج. ف. م. . (2022). برنامج تمرينات بليومترية لتنمية القوة المميزة بالسرعة وتأثيرها على تطوير مستوى لكمة الجياكوزوكي لدى لاعبي الكاراتيه بأكاديمية أستارز الرياضي. Alasala Journal, (4). Retrieved from http://alasala.alandalus-libya.org.ly/ojs/index.php/aj/article/view/111