تأثير التحولات القانونية على حقوق الفرد والحريات الشخصية في المجتمعات الحديثة

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The study aimed to examine the impact of legal transformations on individual rights and personal freedoms in modern societies, focusing on three main aspects: understanding the effect of legal transformations on individual rights and personal freedoms in modern societies, ranging from the development of laws and policies to changes in enforcement practices; assessing the application of legislative laws in practice and whether they achieve their goals of justice and equality, or lack effectiveness in protecting individual rights and enhancing personal freedoms; and finally, providing practical and effective recommendations for improving legal policies, including amendments to existing legislation or the development of executive procedures to enhance the protection of individual rights and personal freedoms in modern societies. The descriptive approach was followed to suit this type of study. The study yielded the following results: Enhancing transparency and accountability in law enforcement achieves justice and integrity in society, protects individuals' rights, and increases citizens' trust in government and legal institutions. Failure to enforce laws properly can lead to injustice and inequality, increasing oppression and despotism, and requires improving enforcement mechanisms and providing necessary resources. Law enforcement depends on understanding and application by relevant authorities and legal culture in society, and laws sometimes lack effectiveness due to practical challenges such as resource shortages and political orientations.

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How to Cite
كريمة أ. ا. ا. . (2024). تأثير التحولات القانونية على حقوق الفرد والحريات الشخصية في المجتمعات الحديثة. Alasala Journal, 2(9). Retrieved from http://alasala.alandalus-libya.org.ly/ojs/index.php/aj/article/view/479