جون سيرل ونظرية الفعل الكلامي

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خالد امحمد فرج الوحيشي


The issue of language acquires great importance in the history of human thought, because it represents a necessary condition that establishes the existence of thought, and it is not possible to delve into any issue in principle without the means of expressing it represented in language. Rather, every activity without language seems impossible. It is an intermediary between man and reality, and it was not Historically, human knowledge can only be formed, developed, and transmitted across time and space through language. The importance of this research lies in exploring the depths of language by talking about John Searle’s theory of speech acts, especially if we know that there are deep links between Searle’s philosophical and linguistic positions. It also aims to contribute to providing as comprehensive a reading as possible of an aspect of contemporary linguistic thought in its philosophical and scientific aspects by addressing John Searle’s theory of speech acts, and a discussion of direct and indirect verbs.

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How to Cite
الوحيشي خ. ا. ف. . (2024). جون سيرل ونظرية الفعل الكلامي. Alasala Journal, 4(9). Retrieved from https://alasala.alandalus-libya.org.ly/ojs/index.php/aj/article/view/541