الدور الفعال للكفاءات المحلية المتخصصة تجاه قضايا تدهور الساحات التقليدية بالمدينة التقليدية درنة في الفترة من 2013 إلى 2018 م

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إيمان عطية ساسي
ايمن علي الحاسي


This paper presents the important art and architectural characteristics of traditional squares in the old city of Derna such as AL Hamra Square and Kharazah Square. So these characteristics are the elements that make the identity, aesthetic, and value of the traditional squares such as arches, wooden doors, and entrances. Because of the events of the war (2013-2018), this paper presents the destruction of the squares and architectural elements located on them and aims to highlight the importance of these characteristics before the events. As well as it aims to present the role of the specialists of (art and architecture university) in the destruction issue of traditional squares after the events. As a result, their recommendations will be useful for society, the traditional city, and their squares. Therefore, the methodology of this paper depends on a case study of the traditional squares to present their architectural characteristics, before and after the events. Second; the questionnaire has been given to the specialists ta (aht University of Art and Architecture) to put proposals for their traditional city. In conclusion, the results and recommendations of this study will be useful for society and the traditional squares in the old city of Derna.

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How to Cite
ساسي إ. ع. ., & الحاسي ا. ع. . (2024). الدور الفعال للكفاءات المحلية المتخصصة تجاه قضايا تدهور الساحات التقليدية بالمدينة التقليدية درنة في الفترة من 2013 إلى 2018 م. Alasala Journal, 4(9). Retrieved from https://alasala.alandalus-libya.org.ly/ojs/index.php/aj/article/view/532