Commercial connections between the Sultanate of Granada and the ports of the Far Maghreb during the 15th century AD

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مني المبروك فرج بشير


The rulers of the Banu Al-Ahmar Kingdom of Granada headed their commercial exchanges to the ports of Al-Aqsa Morocco, in accordance with the custom inherited between the two enemies during the era of the Banu Al-Ahmar and the Marinids. If the geographical location served Al-Aqsa Morocco, the Marinids would be among the active parties in the commercial relations of the Banu Al-Ahmar Kingdom. The study dealt with the commercial relations between the Sultanate of Granada and the ports of the Far Maghreb during the 15th century AD. The study was divided into three sections. The first section dealt with the geography of the Kingdom of Granada. The second section dealt with diplomatic relations between the Kingdom of Granada and the Beni Marin in the Far Maghreb, while the third section dealt with the commercial relations between the Kingdom of Granada. And the ports of Al-Aqsa Morocco.

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How to Cite
بشير م. ا. ف. . (2024). Commercial connections between the Sultanate of Granada and the ports of the Far Maghreb during the 15th century AD. Alasala Journal, 4(9). Retrieved from