سياسة الفاطميين الخارجية تجاه الأمويين في الأندلس 297ه /909م الى 397ه/1007م

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عاشور محمد سعيد أبوخريص


Umayyad. Fatimid relations in Andalusia Were charactevized bya hostile nature since the establishment of the fatimid state in North Africa.the Fatimids tried to seize controlof Andalusia in various Ways and means, from subborting internal consbiracies to sending sbies. The Umayyads met them when the Fatimids moved away to Egybt, they moved away from them. The last attembt was by the Uyrenaica in 397. 1009

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أبوخريص ع. م. س. (2024). سياسة الفاطميين الخارجية تجاه الأمويين في الأندلس 297ه /909م الى 397ه/1007م. Alasala Journal, 4(9). Retrieved from https://alasala.alandalus-libya.org.ly/ojs/index.php/aj/article/view/515