فلسفة المعتزلة السياسية

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The Mu'tazila declared their philosophy of freedom of will in man based on the principle of justice, which is one of their five principles, which is not considered a Mu'tazila who does not say it. They decided that man, with his free will, creates his own actions and that he can do something or not do it, and based on that, reward and punishment are justice. To reward a person according to the actions he performed, and he is their creator and is not forced to do them, but rather he is free and chosen, and based on that, the political ideas of the Mu’tazila and their theory of imamate were based on the principle of consultation. Therefore, you find their relationship with authority changing ebb and flow, as they are hostile to politicians who do not agree with them and are satisfied with those who they see as just and pious. In the Umayyad state, they preferred Omar bin Abdul Aziz and Yazid al-Naqis, and this was not the case with the rest of the Umayyad caliphs, and so was their relationship with the Abbasid state, and it is worth noting. The Mu'tazilites did not have specific political goals that they sought to achieve. They have no desire for power, and they have not harnessed religion in the service of politics. Perhaps they have harnessed their political positions or political influence to serve their ideas, doctrine, or ideology. They have proven, with rational and textual evidence, the soundness of their position, and they have harnessed themselves and their philosophy to serve free thought, defend religion, support monotheism, and fight ignorance and intellectual stagnation. Which they see in fatalis.

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How to Cite
تنتوش م. ع. ا. . (2024). فلسفة المعتزلة السياسية. Alasala Journal, 4(9). Retrieved from https://alasala.alandalus-libya.org.ly/ojs/index.php/aj/article/view/511