الانتماء الوظيفي وأثــــره على أداء العاملين بالمؤسسات الليبية دراسة ميدانية في جامعة الزاوية

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وجـــدان أبوالقاسم الميلودي


Communication and common and mutual understanding between a higher level at a higher, middle and lower level as well as strengthening bridges of trust between cadres each other and between them and the job and then between the organization. The success of the organization depends on the job ranking of the employees, and the job performance of the individual. The problem of the study is determined in answering a main question: What is the impact of the workers in the institution working in the Libyan institution? The study aimed at: identifying the dimensions of job affiliation among workers in Libyan institutions, identifying the level of performance of workers among workers in Libyan institutions, identifying methods for estimating employee performance among workers in Libyan institutions, and identifying the relationship between the dimensions of job affiliation and the performance level of workers in Libyan institutions. This research is of the research type. The research is of the research type. Their group is chosen from quotas, investigation, representation of the study communities as much, as two colleges were chosen, one of them is theoretical and the second is applied, 2 employees were chosen from each department, career hierarchy, and gender were taken into account. That job satisfaction is achieved “to a medium degree, that justice is achieved” to a medium degree, that (human relations and job affiliation) is achieved “to a medium degree, that the weights of the dimensions of job affiliation are achieved” at a medium degree, that the level of workers’ performance is achieved “to a medium degree,” that the assessment of the performance of From the point of view of the employees, the employee achieves “to an average degree. There is a positive correlation between the level of performance of employees and between rights and duties, job satisfaction, justice, human relations and job affiliation. By presenting the results of the study, several recommendations can be made: Monitoring the problems facing employees and working to solve them as much as possible. It is necessary to pay attention to providing opportunities for advancement and promotion in line with the contributions and quality of job performance, which leads to achieving job satisfaction and affects the performance of employees

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How to Cite
الميلودي و. أ. . (2023). الانتماء الوظيفي وأثــــره على أداء العاملين بالمؤسسات الليبية دراسة ميدانية في جامعة الزاوية. Alasala Journal, 2(6). Retrieved from https://alasala.alandalus-libya.org.ly/ojs/index.php/aj/article/view/204