ّ عشرون عاما من حـكم فرسان القديس يوحنا لطرابلس الغرب 1531 – 1551 م

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سارة مفتاح عطية


Tripoli was in the west at that period under the rule of tha Spaniards , and when events took place on king Charles v , he decided to give Tripoli to any Christian force and protect it , and when the Turks expelled the knights of St . on the island of Malta , this organization known to be hostile to Islam and Muslims , and takes Christianity as its emblem here , the Spanish king had the opportunity to get rid of the responsibility of defending Tripoli and agreed to give the knights the island of Malta on the condition that they take over the defense of Tripoli, and despite the bad situation that the city was suffering from , the knights of the organization accepted this condition and received the city from the Spaniards to enter Tripoli at another stage from ruin and destruction for twenty years until its people sought the help of the Turkish sailors who accepted the rescue and besieged Tripoli until the cavalry in it surrendered so that a Muslim city would return after forty years of the rule of the Spanish Christians and the knights of st john .

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How to Cite
عطية س. م. (2023). ّ عشرون عاما من حـكم فرسان القديس يوحنا لطرابلس الغرب 1531 – 1551 م. Alasala Journal, 2(6). Retrieved from https://alasala.alandalus-libya.org.ly/ojs/index.php/aj/article/view/199