A Study of Libyan EFL Students’ awareness and Vocabulary Language Learning Strategies

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Widad Farhat Ahmed Abogila


This study explores the awareness among undergraduate students who study English as a foreign language and Vocabulary Language Learning Strategies (VLLs). It aims to investigate whether learners are aware to the principles of VLLs, and whether their performance could be influenced by the appropriate selection of VLLS. A quantitative (questionnaire) method was used to collect data for this study. The quantitative data is analysed via the Microsoft Excel to compute descriptive state statistics. Percentage is computed for data analyses. The results indicate that cognitive strategy of repeating words obtained high acknowledgement in its usefulness. The students perform instructional practices conforming to their underlying assumptions and beliefs on vocabulary learning. Students are also aware of the significance of direct vocabulary learning activities in a balanced language course. Moreover, Libyan EFL students involved are aware of a range of vocabulary learning strategies which have been identified in relevant literature based on their personal learning experience, including both direct and indirect vocabulary learning approaches. It can be said that the students held negative views towards the strong version of VLL, due to the levels of the students at the present time and the lack of training and the lack of acceptable or fluent language levels on the part of the teachers.

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Comment citer
Abogila, W. F. A. (2023). A Study of Libyan EFL Students’ awareness and Vocabulary Language Learning Strategies. مجلة الاصالة, 3(8). Consulté à l’adresse http://alasala.alandalus-libya.org.ly/ojs/index.php/aj/article/view/421