الصفات المشتقة وعلاقتها بتحديد الزمن من خلال السياق، شعر الشريف الرضي أنموذجا

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This study seeks to demonstrate this importance of the nominal
structures in determining the time of the sentence, as we have noticed that
most grammarians, when studding the time, focus most of their attention on
the verb and its various structures, and they do not give great importance to
the nominal structures, (attached to the verbs) and if mentioned they are signs
a brjef summary at the end of their talk about the grammatical time, and one
of the most important nominative for reulas that determined the time of
.sentences is derived adjectives.

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How to Cite
قرابيل ن. ا. ع. . (2022). الصفات المشتقة وعلاقتها بتحديد الزمن من خلال السياق، شعر الشريف الرضي أنموذجا. Alasala Journal, (4). Retrieved from http://alasala.alandalus-libya.org.ly/ojs/index.php/aj/article/view/95