Effect of thickness and external environment of aluminium shields on the MUON cosmic ray event rate at ground level

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Najah Ibrahem Elharari


In this research, then determine the relationship between the muon events from the vertical direction with the thickness of the aluminium plate on the roof of the third floor. It has coordinates of 101.78 degrees east and 2.92 degrees north and an altitude of 30 m above sea level. The measurement was performed for 5 days which includes 9 sample sets. Aluminium plate with dimensions 10 cm x 10 cm ´ 2 mm, then we increase the number of sheets to twenty. Then the measurements were performed for 9 days comprising 28 sample sets. Its dimensions are 20 cm by 20 cm by 2 mm for aluminium. All measurements were made with an interval of 5 min for each sample using a muon telescope consisting of two RM60 radiation screens containing Geiger-Müller tubes with a 1.6 cm thick separating layer attached to a shell box and the coincidence event either recorded by an LCD monitor. Our measurement shows that the linear increase of absorbance is calculated with the thickness of the lamella in the first 10 and 20 sheets of 10 cm but in the 20 sheets with a decrease of 20 cm. The absorption coefficient (α) of the aluminium sheet shielding thickness was α = 0.020. As a result, we found the linear absorption coefficient of aluminium. Thus, in this study, we purposefully used GM tubes to determine the linear mineral absorption coefficient of ground-level cosmic ray muons.

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How to Cite
Abdulqader, S. M. A. ., Elharari, N. I., & TRAB, S. F. S. . (2022). Effect of thickness and external environment of aluminium shields on the MUON cosmic ray event rate at ground level. Alasala Journal, (العدد الثاني). Retrieved from http://alasala.alandalus-libya.org.ly/ojs/index.php/aj/article/view/57