Study the characteristics of some local and imported lipid compound and their role in the manufacture of Soap and detergents

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Faraj Abdul Jalil AlArif AlMoody
Shaban Jaballah Saeed AlUsta
Ibrahim AlHajji


Purely depends on conducting a study of the lipid compounds that have an important role in human life as food rich in energy and in various common products. Such as the manufacture of Soap industrial detergents cosmetics manufacture of printing ink and importance of lipids.
Ten samples of animal and vegetable fats and oils were analyzed Cow fats (Cows Libya Local feed, without feed), Olive oil, corn oil Sunflower oil, Linseed oil, Cotton oil, Peanut oil, Soybean oil, Palm oil and (Libya Castor Oil) which have an important role in Soap making. (5g) fat or oil by titrating with concentration hydrochloric acid (0.52N), and also calculated the number of Esterfication, and the number of iodine value to each the samples.

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How to Cite
AlMoody, F. A. J. A. ., AlUsta, S. J. S. ., & AlHajji, I. (2022). Study the characteristics of some local and imported lipid compound and their role in the manufacture of Soap and detergents. Alasala Journal, (العدد الثاني). Retrieved from