العوامل المجتمعية للعنف الأسري دراسة ميدانية على عينة من الأسر بمدينة العجيلات

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عواطف عامر أبومهدي
زينب علي الدوكالي


The current study dealt with a very important topic related to the
family, which is domestic violence, where the family is the basic building
block of society and the first social institution, and since violence represents
the prominent feature that surrounds the family, this study aims to shed light
on the extent of the family’s exposure to violence and knowledge Societal
conditions and conditions that lead to the emergence of domestic violence,
identifying the prevailing manifestations of violence in the study community,knowing the causes of domestic violence, and the extent of the impact of
domestic violence on generating criminal behavior, and in order to achieve
the basic objectives of the current research, a sample consisting of (05)
families was selected. To measure domestic violence against them, and this
study is one of the descriptive analytical studies.
The descriptive approach was used and the questionnaire was used to
obtain the data, and the most important results of the study are that the age
group ranging from (05-81) years is the most exposed to domestic violence,
and that the most exposed educational groups of learners, and that the most
causes leading to the spread of domestic violence are legal reasons, followed
by cultural reasons, and psychological violence is the most common type of
violence Family violence is prevalent, followed by verbal and physical
violence and neglect, and the most places where family violence occurs is the
home, followed by the street, and one of the most prominent forms of violence
that generates a criminal person is verbal violence, followed by physical

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How to Cite
أبومهدي ع. ع. ., & الدوكالي ز. ع. . (2022). العوامل المجتمعية للعنف الأسري دراسة ميدانية على عينة من الأسر بمدينة العجيلات. Alasala Journal, (العدد الثاني). Retrieved from http://alasala.alandalus-libya.org.ly/ojs/index.php/aj/article/view/49