الشعراء الشباب في العراق من 114هـ إلى 370هـ ، دراسة نقدية تحليلية

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عبد المجيد الشتيوي علي شتل


Summary of the research in English :We will study in this research young poets who were destined to stop their breath for the word poetry, after being silenced by death, what shined their star like others than they were more fortunate with life if we may link life with luck, and perhaps the search for these, among the Abbasid poets who were their number ((more than three thousand poets ..)) , and determine their age, and being Iraqis, lived between the year 114 AH, and 370 AH, is something that needs an effort, as well as with regard to the identification of previous studies, related to this subject, and to ensure that the poets of this study are not received, and perhaps it goes without saying that we say, that young poets in the aforementioned borders, of the things that are surrounded only by some specialists, in this study unfolds for those who wanted to change the fact These poets, who have not been focused on a study that reveals the veil as it focused on some other categories of poets and writers, and I can not prefe

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How to Cite
شتل ع. ا. ا. ع. . (2024). الشعراء الشباب في العراق من 114هـ إلى 370هـ ، دراسة نقدية تحليلية. Alasala Journal, 1(9). Retrieved from http://alasala.alandalus-libya.org.ly/ojs/index.php/aj/article/view/482