The impact of political stability on the role of the private sector in achieving local development in Libya

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الصديق خليفة الكيلاني


This research aims to examine the political conditions that Libya went through after 2011 AD as a result of political instability, which directly contributed to obstructing stability in achieving local development and growth in Libya, as a result of it being affected by a group of factors that became low and did not reach the level of ambition despite the interest. The private sector enjoyed great success in terms of incentives and legislation regulating its work, but external interventions, armed conflicts and political conflicts, which resulted in the spread of chaos of all kinds throughout the country, which negatively affected development in Libya, which was caused by the division of executive and military institutions that was the cause of A real crisis has entered for all development projects, and the use of governance in local administration units through several dimensions of governance, represented by accountability, transparency, participation, equality, effectiveness and integrity, as well as identifying the obstacles facing the use of governance in local administration units in achieving local development, especially at the private and public levels, is stability. In general, it is one of the important factors in building any development through its effective contribution to stimulating economic life, whether it is raising growth rates or reducing poverty and unemployment, and it contributes to social stability within society and good governance. On this basis, the development and performance of the private sector is considered an important issue that requires Development policies are based on it, which achieve economic and social development by improving the standard of living and other matters related to local development. Local development is the right way to achieve a balance between human requirements for a decent life, and thus it is not a spontaneous process, but rather an organized and planned one that aims to move from one situation to another that is better than the previous one.

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How to Cite
الكيلاني ا. خ. . (2024). The impact of political stability on the role of the private sector in achieving local development in Libya. Alasala Journal, 2(9). Retrieved from