الخطاب الروائي بين النقد والبلاغة (نماذج روائية)

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زينب الحراري عبد النبي جرجر


We started this research in the study of (novelist discourse between criticism and rhetoric of novelistic models) in literature, including: the novel Land of Blackness by Abdul Rahman Munif, the novel Bleeding Stone by Ibrahim Al-Koni, and the novel Widows and the Last Guardian by Khalifa Hussein Mustafa. The introduction came to clarify the idea of the research, its plan, importance, methods, some previous studies, then the conclusion, and the sources and references that we benefited from in the study. And a brief introduction to the discourse, and its general concept, and in the novel in particular, the novel is an art and a linguistic entity, as the speech must carry the writer's point of view. And then we were exposed to reading the text, and because the narrative discourse novelist connotations and meanings, so it needs a reader to deduce its content and examine its meanings with the view of the conscious and educated critic, as his job is criticism to know the good from the bad. And then the image when the writers of the novel a great place in the depiction of scenes and characters, and life in all its details accurately, by employing description, as the image is considered one of the aesthetics of rhetoric, as it depends on the element of imagination of the scene and its presentation, as well as we dealt with the image and analogy of narrative models, And the relationship of analogy to the image in those models, then we offered metaphor and imaginary photography significantly, and metaphors abound in novelist art, and each novelist and his creative ability to use them. And then we saw to conclude (research with some rhetorical methods in the creation of the request and its methods, including: interrogative, call, and prohibition in the novels previously mentioned, then the conclusion of the research in which we reached the most important results of the study, and the list of sources and references to study in this research.

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How to Cite
جرجر ز. ا. ع. ا. . (2024). الخطاب الروائي بين النقد والبلاغة (نماذج روائية). Alasala Journal, 2(9). Retrieved from http://alasala.alandalus-libya.org.ly/ojs/index.php/aj/article/view/465