الأشهر الحرم ومفهومها في تقييد الحرب

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أبوالقاسم المعاوي خليفة سعيد


This paper discussed the sacred months and their meaning in restricting war, the noble Prophetic Sunnah, as it does not allow bloodshed during the sacred months, and the connection of the Prophet’s, Sunnah to the Holy Qur’an, as it interpreted what was in general, and identified it with the four sacred months. Islam permitted self-defense in organized defensive war if the need arose. This, even if it was during the sacred months, and the Islamic religion establishes an annual truce to avoid fighting and provide the warring parties with the opportunity to reconcile and forgive the past.

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How to Cite
سعيد أ. ا. خ. . (2024). الأشهر الحرم ومفهومها في تقييد الحرب. Alasala Journal, 2(9). Retrieved from http://alasala.alandalus-libya.org.ly/ojs/index.php/aj/article/view/461