تحليل مدى ملائمة الموقع للتنمية الحضرية باستخدام التقنيات الجغرافية المكانية دراسة حالة في برايا جراج، ولاية أوتار براديش – الهند-

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During the planning of locating suitable site for urban development is critical and challenging task. This study has been performed to identify suitable site for further development of city using Geospatial technologies and Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method in Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh, India. Various thematic layers such as LULC, Lithology, Soil, Drainage, Slope, and Road and river proximity were considered in this study. Selected seven thematic layers and their features were assigned suitable weights on the Saaty’s scale according to their relative importance and then normalized by using AHP technique. Finally, the thematic maps were integrated by weighted linear combination method in a GIS environment to produce suitable sites. The final site suitability map was divided into five different Zones. The area under very low, low, moderate, high and very high land stand at 6.81%, 13.27%, 34.54%, 31.28%, 14.08% respectively. The present study depicts the zones in the study area and can be helpful for the better land use planning in sustainable urban development.

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How to Cite
جبريل ع. م. ع. . (2024). تحليل مدى ملائمة الموقع للتنمية الحضرية باستخدام التقنيات الجغرافية المكانية دراسة حالة في برايا جراج، ولاية أوتار براديش – الهند-. Alasala Journal, 1(9). Retrieved from http://alasala.alandalus-libya.org.ly/ojs/index.php/aj/article/view/439