الأسانيد التي حكم عليها الإمام البخاري في كتابه : الضعفاء والمتروكين .

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أسامة مصطفى التريكي
عبد العزيز مفتاح عبد الكريم الشيلابي


This research attempts to explain Imam Al-Bukhari's approach in criticizing isnads (chains of narration) mentioned in his book "Al-Du'afa' wa Al-Matrukin" although it is a specialized book in the science of Jarh and Ta'dil. The research is divided into sections based on the connection between critiquing isnads and the criticism relating to the narrators' integrity or other factors. These sections include the introduction of the Imam and his book, the critique he made regarding narrator criticism and evaluation, and the examination of hadiths he deemed weak due to other factors such as inconsistency and discrepancy. The findings indicate that this book contains valuable scientific material in the field of isnads criticism, and that the Imam's style and approach in critiquing such isnads were diverse and meticulous.

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How to Cite
التريكي أ. م. ., & الشيلابي ع. ا. م. ع. ا. . (2024). الأسانيد التي حكم عليها الإمام البخاري في كتابه : الضعفاء والمتروكين . Alasala Journal, 1(9). Retrieved from http://alasala.alandalus-libya.org.ly/ojs/index.php/aj/article/view/422