الصورة الفنية في شعر لطفي عبداللطيف (أكواخ الصفيح أنموذجا)

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عبير أبوالقاسم الصغير


The title of this study was the artistic image in the poetry of Lutfi Abdul Latif
(The Tin Huts) as a model. The artistic image is one of the basic structures
of any literary work. Because it is not just an image shown by circulation
and exhausted by use, but a special image created by the artist in a special
linguistic form, in which the poet selects his words with his delicate sense,
and inspires from his own experiences, and organizes them in a pattern
full of figurative expression and captivating musical rhythm.
The picture was characterized by a multiplicity of elements for its
construction, including the idea, reality, imagination and sincerity of
emotion, and one of the most important results reached by the research:
The artistic image in Lutfi Abdul Latif's poetry was a true expression of
himself, through which he expressed his suffering, his sorrows, his
worries and his alienation.
-Lotfi Abdel Latif employed similes and metaphors in shaping the artistic

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How to Cite
الصغير ع. أ. . (2022). الصورة الفنية في شعر لطفي عبداللطيف (أكواخ الصفيح أنموذجا). Alasala Journal, (العدد الثاني). Retrieved from http://alasala.alandalus-libya.org.ly/ojs/index.php/aj/article/view/42