استعارة الفنون التراثيـــــة في خزفيات معاصرة

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This research delves into the subject of adapting traditional arts into contemporary ceramics. It presents a comprehensive study of traditional vocabulary and its application, following processes of reduction, simplification, and abstraction, thereby transforming these elements into ceramic creations that radiate beauty and creativity, even in their seemingly uncomplicated execution and artistic handling. The study encompasses a well-defined methodological framework, which centers on the research problem encapsulated in the following question: "What strategies can be employed to incorporate traditional arts into contemporary ceramics in line with the principles of modern ceramic composition?" This research highlights the significance and necessity of its focus and seeks to unravel the heritage's identity. It explores the incorporation of vocabulary harkening back to ancient civilizations and local traditions, with the ultimate aim of crafting contemporary ceramic products. The research's scope is limited to the investigation of traditional arts in contemporary ceramics within Arab countries during the time frame of 1999-2021. The study identifies key terms and concepts, and the theoretical framework initially explores the essence of traditional arts before delving into the use of popular heritage in ceramics, as well as the synthesis of traditional and contemporary ceramics. The research methodology includes the analysis of three distinct ceramic samples, supported by a research tool constructed upon indicators derived from the theoretical framework. In conclusion, the researcher presents a series of findings and conclusions, offering valuable insights into the interplay between tradition and modernity in the world of ceramics.

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How to Cite
عبود . ن. (2023). استعارة الفنون التراثيـــــة في خزفيات معاصرة. Alasala Journal, 3(8). Retrieved from http://alasala.alandalus-libya.org.ly/ojs/index.php/aj/article/view/411