أخلاقنا كما كان يعيشها أسلافنا ـ الصدق والأمانة ـ أنموذجا

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سميرة خليفة عبدالله كيندل


Islam, as a religion, has sublime principles and virtuous values that raise the status of man’s humanity, at every moment of his life, whether that is within the limits of his individual self or within the limits of his individual group, of a family and a social milieu, or within the limits of various nations and all of humanity, because man’s humanity and the value of Its virtues are not lost for a moment from the goals of Islam and its civilization. The goal of Islam is to form a divine human being whose strength is appearance, serenity, and purity. This does not mean ignoring the material aspects that go into forming a strong human being who contributes to the reconstruction of the universe and the constant advancement of civilization. However, these material aspects are governed by special controls in Islam, the most important of which are honesty, moderation, and honesty in order to That was the message of the prophets to encourage virtuous morals, and the Holy Qur’an came urging adherence to them, because they are what achieve the victory in the afterlife , and this is the best path to a society dominated by them. Love and brotherhood, harmony and peace, a society of virtue, justice, honesty, honesty, solidarity, and cooperation in goodness and righteousness, all are like a solid structure that strengthens one another, and this is what was brought by the revelation of heaven.

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How to Cite
كيندل س. خ. ع. (2023). أخلاقنا كما كان يعيشها أسلافنا ـ الصدق والأمانة ـ أنموذجا. Alasala Journal, 3(8). Retrieved from http://alasala.alandalus-libya.org.ly/ojs/index.php/aj/article/view/393