القراءات في ليبيا ، نشأة وتعليما المقرئان : الشيخ، امحمد الهمالي ، والشيخ، علي التير أنموذجا

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برنية الصادق حسن البصري


The research deals with summary references to some of the facts of the readings, in terms of definition, the difference between them and the qur’an, the meaning of the seven readings, the emergence of the science of readings and the stages of its development, starting with the foundation, the origins, and then the companions’ reception and dissemination of it, through their contributions to the islamic conquests, up to the emergence of readings schools, which had a clear role in spreading the readings and establishing the pillars of this science, so that it would be an independent and honorable science; because of his attachment to the book of highest honor, which is the noble qur’an. With the few sources on the history of readings in libya, it was possible through research to monitor some references to the emergence of readings in them, and the stages of their development, by reviewing some of the stages of the historical process of libya in general and private, with an overall study of the history of readings in africa, and its development in the east and west, and mentioning the narrations that spread in libya, and touching some of the factors of its spread, and the scientific position that libya occupied between al-azhar al-sharif and the blessed olive. In loyalty to the scholars of libya and its sheikhs who excelled in the science of readings, two models were studied, namely the two reader: (Sheikh: Emhammad Alhamali, and Sheikh: Ali Al-tayr) by reviewing the educational path of them, and referring to some of the difficulties that were overcome with determination and strong will, to be free models for study. detailing their role in the science of readings, in terms of education, classification, and a distinct impact on the formation of male and female readers who complete the journey, and have a profound impact on future generations.

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How to Cite
البصري ب. ا. ح. . (2023). القراءات في ليبيا ، نشأة وتعليما المقرئان : الشيخ، امحمد الهمالي ، والشيخ، علي التير أنموذجا. Alasala Journal, 3(8). Retrieved from http://alasala.alandalus-libya.org.ly/ojs/index.php/aj/article/view/384