تطور الرياضيات (الحساب والجبر) عند الفلاسفة المسلمين

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زينب خليفة حسين الكدي
عادل عمر المبروك


sciences have developed rapidly at the hands of Muslim scholars who
recorded important mathematical innovations in the fields of arithmetic,
algebra, geometry and trigonometry. By mathematical sciences, Rom
Landau said, “It was at the hands of the Arabs alone that mathematics knew
that transformation that eventually enabled it to become the foundation upon
”ّ.which the Western world was built

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How to Cite
الكدي ز. خ. ح. ., & المبروك ع. ع. . (2022). تطور الرياضيات (الحساب والجبر) عند الفلاسفة المسلمين. Alasala Journal, (العدد الثاني). Retrieved from http://alasala.alandalus-libya.org.ly/ojs/index.php/aj/article/view/33