مفهوم العولمة نشأتها التاريخية ومراحل تطورها

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عبير رمضان أبوعزة


So globalization seems to be an old and continuous phenomenon that has
been associated with human aspirations beyond his borders since ancient times,
either in the search for a commodity or its export, but the emergence of the industrial
revolution and the emergence of the commodity and the need to search for new
markets, and continuous profit form a clear beginning of globalization, as long as
globalization has been associated with communication And trade, and since the
discovery of the compass, it is the economic aspect that has dominated other aspects
of globalization, and the other changes are nothing but the outgrowths of the
economic aspects.
Most of those who dealt with the subject of globalization, with their different
opinions and positions, focus on the phenomena characteristic of it, such as market
capitalism and freedom, the dominance of large multinational corporations over the
movement of the economy, and the sweeping of state sovereignty by deepening the
convergence of distances between individuals through the information system.

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How to Cite
أبوعزة ع. ر. . (2022). مفهوم العولمة نشأتها التاريخية ومراحل تطورها. Alasala Journal, (العدد الثاني). Retrieved from http://alasala.alandalus-libya.org.ly/ojs/index.php/aj/article/view/32