التأثير التضادي لحشيشة بيض الأرض .( Aetheorhiza buIbosa (L.) Cass ( على إنبات ونمو حشيشة النجم Cyndon dactylon) (، ومحصول الشعير Hordeum vulgare L.) .

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Mohammed A. Nasef
Abdul Hamid M. Al-Zlaitni
Hassan T. Eshukah
Mahmoud K. Al-Hajjaji
Hassan M. Al-Hariri


This study addressed two experiments, the first to test the impact of plant parts flour of Aetheorhiza bulbosa (L.) Cass. On germination and growth of Cyndon dactylon, and the second for the purpose of testing the effect of the agua extract of the plant parts of the same weed on the germination and growth of Barley crop. The two studies were conducted at Faculty of Agriculture / University of Tripoli in the agricultural season of 2021, the first study at the Faculty of Agriculture Research station and the second at the laboratories of the Crop Sciences Department OF the same Faculty.
All flour rates used in the study (20,30, 40 g) did not cause a significant decrease in the germination percent of Cyndon dactylon Rhizomes and the length of the shoot as well as its green weight compared to the control treatment. In the second study, the results showed that all concentrations of agua extract for the weed plant parts (5,10,15,20%) have caused significant decrease in the germination percent of Barley seeds as well as the length of radical and plume of seedling compared to the control treatment. The impact increases with the increase of extract concentration, the higher concentration of extract (20%) caused the lack of Barley seeds germination, the emergence of abnormal seedling by the effect of other concentration was also noted.
Through the above-mentioned results, it was evident that Aetheorhiza bulbosa (L.) Cass. has an Allelopathic selective effect as it negatively affected the germination and growth of Barley, and did not affect the germination and growth of Cyndon dactylon weed. Due to the absence of previous studies in this field, we therefore recommend the need to extract and identify the Allelopathic compounds contained in the plant parts of the weed and to conduct studies on other plants, whether field on the germination and growth of those plants, for the potential use of this weed to control weeds as an alternative to herbicides.

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How to Cite
Nasef م. ع. ., Al-Zlaitni ع. م. ., Eshukah ح. ط. ., Al-Hajjaji م. خ. ., & Al-Hariri ح. م. . (2022). التأثير التضادي لحشيشة بيض الأرض .( Aetheorhiza buIbosa (L.) Cass ( على إنبات ونمو حشيشة النجم Cyndon dactylon) (، ومحصول الشعير Hordeum vulgare L.) . Alasala Journal, (العدد الاول). Retrieved from http://alasala.alandalus-libya.org.ly/ojs/index.php/aj/article/view/30