تاريخ واحة مستيح (الفقهة) عبر العصور

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عبدالصمد عبدالقادر عبدالصمد


History Of The Oasis Of Masteh (Al Fuqaha)
In this paper, we tried to shed light on the history of the oasis of Masteh ( Al Fuqaha). It is within the oases of the Jufrah in the state of Libya, it has not been
It has not been extensively researched in the modern era. The oasis of Masteh is located among the range of El Harouge Mountain and it is 160 km away from Zallah oasis.

The importance of this oasis lies in the availability in the middle of wide dessert. Therefore, its strategic location constituted an important station for the pilgrims' caravans coming from the countries of the far and middle Al-Maghreb and Fezzan, as well as the commercial
caravans coming from the countries of gold (Ghana and Mali) through Fezzan.
This study is divided into four sections, in addition to the introduction, the first section dealt with: the location, the population and the names of the oasis of Masteh through the ages.
The second section dealt with the writings of travelers, historians and geographers through the ages of this oasis, while the third section dealt with the paths that connect Masteh with
its surroundings and its role in controlling the movement of commercial caravans and pilgrims. The fourth (final) section, we tried to investigate the calamities that the town of Al Fuqaha suffered throughout history, and we concluded this study with recommendations and a list of references

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How to Cite
عبدالصمد ع. ع. . (2022). تاريخ واحة مستيح (الفقهة) عبر العصور. Alasala Journal, (العدد الاول). Retrieved from http://alasala.alandalus-libya.org.ly/ojs/index.php/aj/article/view/17