الصعوبات التي تواجه طلاب الجامعة وعلاقتها بتدني المستوى التحصيلي دراسة ميدانية على عينة من طلاب جامعة الزنتان - كلية التربية يفرن

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إبراهيم سالم القيب


The field study is determined by the difficulties facing university students and their relationship to the low level of achievement on a sample of students of the College of Education / Yafran. This research dealt with the main component of the university, which is the students. The most important academic problems facing the university student, the most important social problems facing the university student, and the most important economic problems facing the university student. The research community may consist of all students studying at the College of Education / Yafran A random sample was selected from all years and specializations. The data collection method included a questionnaire on several paragraphs aimed at the research purposes. The most important results were among the most important difficulties that the study reached, which came in the first place, which is the lack of focus on the practical side, which enhances the student’s desire to study, as a result of the lack of The availability of capabilities within the university and the economic conditions that the country is going through. The study proved that 60% of students are not satisfied with the study materials, the rigidity of the curriculum, and the absence of modern teaching methods that motivate the study.

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How to Cite
القيب إ. س. . (2022). الصعوبات التي تواجه طلاب الجامعة وعلاقتها بتدني المستوى التحصيلي دراسة ميدانية على عينة من طلاب جامعة الزنتان - كلية التربية يفرن. Alasala Journal, (5). Retrieved from http://alasala.alandalus-libya.org.ly/ojs/index.php/aj/article/view/144