Fossilization in Foreign Language Learning: Factors, Types, and Reduction

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Rabab Abdul Karim Al-Darsi
Marzia Abu Bakr Al-Zoki
Magdy Younes Bakr


For a variety of reasons, foreign language learners rarely achieve the required
level of native speakers proficiency. Interlanguage fossilization is a critical
factor that prevented FL learners from achieving their goal. It refers to the
process in which incorrect language becomes a habit and cannot easily be
corrected. Researchers and educators in the field of FL acquisition claim that
fossilization is widely spread among FL learners where arrested progress can
occur in one or more specific aspects of the target language. In this paper, the
researchers attempt to define the notion of fossilization, present its
classifications, and support the types with the most common Arab learner's errors. The paper also shows the major causes of fossilization and suggests some teaching strategies to minimize the phenomenon's negative effects.

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How to Cite
Al-Darsi, R. A. K. ., Al-Zoki, M. A. B. ., & Bakr, M. Y. . (2022). Fossilization in Foreign Language Learning: Factors, Types, and Reduction. Alasala Journal, (4). Retrieved from