دور الإعلام في بث ومواجهة الشائعات خلال أزمة "كورونا"

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Batol ahmed


The study addresses the role of the media in broadcasting and countering rumors during the "coronavirus" crisis, based on the descriptive approach through a theoretical approach that includes four axes according to the theory of media dependence. The study's main objective is to monitor the causes of the spread of rumors during the crisis through the traditional and new media, and to determine the extent of their impact on the public's knowledge, emotional and behavioral response to the crisis. In addition, we will learn about the role of the media response to the crisis in spreading rumors and determining the roles that the media should play in confronting it. The development of strategic plans to raise public awareness and work to provide a reliable scientific base of health information materials have proved to be key responses.

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How to Cite
ahmed ب. ا. م. ج. . (2022). دور الإعلام في بث ومواجهة الشائعات خلال أزمة "كورونا". Alasala Journal, (4). Retrieved from http://alasala.alandalus-libya.org.ly/ojs/index.php/aj/article/view/107